Mission Statement

Mission: To enhance the lives of youth and adult ex-offenders and ensure a smoother re-entry back into society through the earn as you learn apprenticeship model. Reduce the intergenerational incarceration of our youth / adults  while contributing to a safer Minnesota.

* Prepare for Success – Earn as You Learn Model
* Bringing Your Hidden Talent to the Forefront
* Career Exploration
* Connect to Resources
* Apprenticeship Outreach Placement to MN Employers

Job Prep Services

Our tutoring program is geared towards those preparing for apprentice jobs in the area of Electricians, Carpentry, Laborers and Painters and other areas of the workforce.

National Apprenticeship Week 2020

* Assessing Basic Arithmetic, Algebra
a. Functions b. linear equations c. expressions d. geometrical shapes
* Reading / Comprehension

* 23 Numerical Reasoning

* Math Aspects * Grammar * Electrical / Mechanical Reasoning * Spatial Reasoning

Job Readiness Soft Skills

* Interviewing          * Communication (verbal / written)  * Resume Building  * Team Work
* Critical Thinking   *  Financial Literacy        * Computer Literacy


Pre-Apprenticeship Testing Prep

* Numeric Reasoning  * Basic Math * Grammar
* Electronic Mechanic Reasoning * Spatial Reasoning
* Reading / Comprehension (carpentry & Electrician)

Employer Presentations

* Welding * Utilities * Hospitality * Machinist * Medical *Manufacturing
* Mechanic ( diesel & assembler) * Carpentry * Painter

Eligibility Criteria

* 5-Week Commitment
* Tuesday &  Wednesdays 10:00-2:00 pm
* 16 yrs & Older
* Unemployed / Underemployed
* Barriers to Employment, criminal history, disability, foster care history