Our Mission
The Well Spring Second Chance Center Mission is to shepherd community resources, meet basic needs, promote self-sufficiency, assist and protect the vulnerable, formerly incarcerated, marginalized persons, and preserve families through the efficient and cost-effective delivery of services expertise, crisis management and with an emphasis in the area of improving lives of ex-offenders
Organizational History
The Wellspring Second Chance Center was inspired through direct experience of its founders, as well as their work with the anti-violence conference entitled,” The Spirit of Sankofa” The Violence Perspective (2006) followed by the 32 Person Lie-In Non-Violence Conference, sponsored in August 2007 by the Twin Cities Metro Anti Violence Coalition, a local response to a national call- to-action to combat illegal gun trafficking and possession. The aforementioned events chaired by the Executive Director stirred a sense of urgency to work toward reducing recidivism and address crime prevention initiatives.
Board and Staff
Wellspring Second Chance Center will rely on our board and staff support to promote and assure safety, educational, compressive and integrity of the work provided for program participants. The Board will be responsible for the management of the Wellspring Second Chance Center. However, Wellspring Second Chance Center’s Chief Executive Officer will be consulted prior to any changes with the organization.
Executive Board
Board Members

Deseria Galloway
Chief Executive Officer

Rob Murry
Board Chair

Devon Gilchrist
Website Committee

Lilene Moore
Director at Large

Lucius Luther
Member at Large

Henry Galloway
Program Chair

Kentral Galloway
Board Member

Troy Cuff
Board Member

Anessa Brittain

Chuck Seviour
Honorary Board Member

Jerry Blackwell
*Former Board Counsel
Blackwell Burke, PA
Wellspring Second Chance Center thanks Mr. Jerry Blackwell, of Blackwell Burke, PA. for his many years of service as our board counsel. We also congratulate him on his recent appointment as a United States District Judge of Minnesota. We celebrate you Honorable Jerry W. Blackwell.
Chief Executive Officer, Deseria Galloway
Ms Galloway is a LGSW and received her Master of Social Work from the University of Minnesota, Bachelor of Social Science Degree from Central State University, Accounting and Bookkeeping Degree from Minneapolis Technical Institute.
Her professional experience includes Hennepin County Human Service & Public Health in the Child Protection CBFS Unit, Child Protecting Investigations Unit, and Child Protection Investigator/First Response Unit and as a Child Protection Intern Supervisor from 1993 to present.
As an investigator, she ask whether abuse or neglect occurred and if protective services are deemed neccesary, and makes determination regarding if immediate safety and risk to the children. Effectively communicate as a team investigator with venues like Police, Permanency Team, Hospitals, Child Morality Review Team, ICWA, Attorneys, G.A.L., Legal Consultation and Juvenile Court. She also has extensive work with many cultural and ethnic backgrounds.
Mrs. Galloway is a Mandatory report Trainer for Hennepin County; supervise and train graduate student from the University of Minnesota; provide service delivery to newly recovering clients about relapse prevention, their triggers and how to recognize them; Home-Based service Therapist; and Rule 25 Assessor in 1987-1992. Mrs. Galloway is also a Notary and provides notary services.
Director of Programming, Henry L. Galloway
Bachelor of Arts from Metropolitan State University, Minneapolis Minnesota, Associate of Arts from North Iowa Area Community College, Mason City Iowa.
Mr. Galloway’s experiences include;
- working with a team to develop a Culturally Specific substance abuse treatment center for the Northeast Council On Substance Abuse (NECSA) in Waterloo Iowa
- Case Manger for African American Family Services working collaboratively with the Department of Corrections (DOC) and the Department of Human Services (DHS) to develop programming designed to address the needs of adults and Juveniles who were on probation and involved with DHS
- Juvenile Court School Liaison for the Waterloo Iowa Community School District, he was instrumental in developing the Educational Discipline Center (EDC) a school for students whose behaviors were to disruptive for the traditional school setting
- Northwest Suburban Integration School District, Coordinated the Family and Community Empowerment Program and Student Support Worker created programs to address racial isolation and diversity issues for seven school districts
- Coordinating the Access and Opportunity Program (AOP) for the St Cloud School District which is a collaborative effort between St Cloud State University, St Cloud School District and St Cloud Technical and Community College, the AOP is a college readiness program designed to increase academic Success for underrepresented students.

Case Manager / Therapist
Syric Barber

Project Manager / Snap Worker
Cynthia Buffington

SNAP Case Manager
Nolan Berglund
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