Program Goals

Chess can help you think ahead. Teach patience and not rush to judgment which helps in the use of conflict resolution skills. Helps one to navigate life’s challenges and make the right move.

Wellspring Violencee Prevention Community Chess on Mondays

Program Objective:

  • Teach & Promote Decision Making
  • Enhance One’s Focus
  • Learn Discipline
  • Slow their thinking – be More Reflective in their Thinking
  • Enhancing Academic Success
  • STEM Enhancement
  • Learning to make the Right Move in Life
  • Abstract Reasoning
  • Pattern Recognition
  • Creative Thinking
  • Promote Patience
  • Promote Family Connectedness

Support Services:

Are Available Upon Request / Need

Youth Stipends:

  • 9-18 years old
  • $20.00 gift cards

Target Population:

  • Youth 9-18
  • Parent / Supportive Adult