EWCP 2024 accepting applications now!!!
Food & Alcohol Training start soon
Job well done participants!!!

EWCP Enrichment Program Key Points
EWCP Program Objectives:
Positively Engaging Youth / Adults who need a fresh start. We are committed to Creating Success Stories for those in our communities. We will be Creating Business Opportunity and setting the stage for the future. Those in the program will learn how to Reach Back to their Communities and give hope.
We will serve 45 youth and / or adults through this program.
Participants Criterion
- Participants 16-27 years
- Enrolled / Attending School and / or College
- Had least one contact with law enforcement
- Drug Free
- Be currently unemployed
- Do not commit New Infraction of the Law
- Commit to TWO WEEK ENRICHMENT (5 days ).
- Vikings Games and Special Events
- Work at Vikings Games @ U.S. Bank Stadium
- U of MN Sport Events
EWCP Program Modules
Financial Literacy
Facilitator: Kim Harmon
Participants will learn financial literacy and cognitive capability to produce better financial decisions from savings to picking stocks. They will learn budgeting, balancing a checkbook, selecting a financial institution, understanding credit terms, while managing their money wisely. How to avoid the pitfalls of getting into debt and how to start saving for their future!
Entrepreneurial / Self Employment Training Segment
Facilitator: Deseria Galloway
- Providing participants tools they need to start their own business.
- This will focus on entrepreneurial mindset, attitude, approach and creator of wealth
- Work Based Learning
- Develop Aspirations
- Outside the Box
Computer Literacy Tutorial Classes
Facilitator: Sergio Martinez
- Gain computer skills
- Learn computer software
- Allows participants to learn in the way they are best
- Learn quick book, adobe, web, social media and how to be appropriate
Camera / Film Productions
Facilitator: Myron Green
- Capture Moving Images
- Production Communications
- Video Productions
- Camera Set Up
- Experience working in T.V.
- Technical
- Functional
- Artistic
Job Preparation Training / Expectations
Facilitator: Deseria Galloway
- Appropriate Dress
- Uniforms (if required)
- Shirt –n-Tie (if required)
- Dress shoes (if required)
- Time Management
- Attitude / Managing Your Emotions
- What do you Bring to a Job
- Budget / Finance
- Opening account in financial institutions
- Managing their money
- Staying in School (requirement)
- Secure G.E.D.
- Secure High School Diploma
- Post Secondary Education
Community Service
- Art of Giving Back
- Serving Our Communities